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PeaceBuilders® Creating Safe, Positive Learning Environments

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PeacePartners, Inc. honors our valued partners by celebrating their passion for peace, their creative ideas, and the wonderful implementation strategies they incorporate.

As we continue to support our partners, it is our privilege to showcase PeaceBuilders sites. Don't just take our word for it. Read about some featured sites as they explored their problems, developed their PeaceBuilders solution, and discovered positive outcomes! We invite you to sit back and explore the fantastic PeaceBuilding events happening throughout the United States and U.S. Territories.

Simmons Elementary - Garden Grove, CA
Simmons Elementary in Garden Grove, CA, became a PeaceBuilders site in 2009. The staff was trained just before the school year began, and they have started building peace with a bang!

Simmons is a proud PeaceBuilders site!

The wise people at Simmons wanted to make sure that they officially kicked off the PeaceBuilders program in a way that made it meaningful to students. They wanted to ensure student buy-in right away. To do that, the PeaceBuilders Committee created and acted out skits showing students what PeaceBuilders is all about.

A short skit was prepared to demonstrate each PeaceBuilders Principle. And Principal Omaira Lee introduced each skit.

First a couple teachers on the PeaceBuilders committee showed how to praise people and demonstrated how good it makes people feel.

Then they performed a skit (complete with tears) showing why it's important for everyone to
give up put-downs.

They demonstrated when to seek a wise person and discussed who the wise people are.

Teachers acted out a skit that showed how and why we need to notice hurts.

And they also showed children the importance of righting wrongs and discussed the many ways
we can help others.

We all know that children learn by watching. Skits and role-plays are a great way to give information and pass on important messages.

As soon as the school doors at Simmons Elementary opened to welcome children to a new school year, they learned that something had changed. Children learned they were going to spend the next year and many years to come building peace at Simmons Elementary.

They learned that they can make choices that make a difference.

They took the first steps to being PeaceBuilders.

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